DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 38. 47 CONTINUED: INTENDANT (to Worf, re: Garak) I think you've hurt his feelings. He's probably never had a good idea in his life. GARAK I'm having one now... and I don't think you'd find it very pleasant. WORF Enough. (to Garak, re: Quark and Rom) Get rid of these two. BRUNT (to the Regent) Is that really necessary? They may come in handy. GARAK If the Regent wants your opinion, he'll ask for it. WORF (to Garak) Don't kill them just yet... GARAK But your magnificence -- WORF You heard me, lock them up. After a beat, Garak nods reluctantly, turns and shoves Quark and Rom toward the door. GARAK Let's go. 48 ANGLE ON QUARK AND ROM as they stop in front of Ezri and the Intendant.