DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 37. 47 ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see the Intendant being led into the room by a GUARD, who quickly EXITS. INTENDANT I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. And with that, the Intendant gives Ezri an appreciative kiss. ROM Uh-oh. QUARK (to the Regent) You're not going to give us the Nagus, are you? The Regent simply shakes his head. QUARK (to Ezri) You knew about this all along. EZRI (re: the Intendant) What can I say? I'm loyal to my friends. INTENDANT (to Quark) Isn't she the best? Garak is also surprised by this turn of events. GARAK (to Worf, re: the Intendant) I don't understand... you're letting her go? WORF She's earned it. Getting them to bring us the cloaking device was her idea.