DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 31. 36 CONTINUED: ADJUST ANGLE to include the Nagus's case of beetle-snuff resting in his hand. WORF My sinuses are clear for the first time in years. Worf then turns to his right-hand man, GARAK, standing nearby. WORF See if the Ferengi has any more of this... beetle-snuff. GARAK Certainly. But first, my Regent, I must talk to you about the Intendant. It took us over two years to track down the treacherous wench. We should eliminate her and be done with it. WORF I will deal with the Intendant in my own way and in my own time. (a beat) But first, I want that cloaking device. Think of it... with a fleet of cloaked ships I'll be able to crush the rebellion once and for all. GARAK And then we'll kill the Intendant. WORF We'll see... And with that, Garak smiles obsequiously at his Regent. 37 OMITTED