48:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 25. 29 CONTINUED: Suddenly BRUNT, a phaser rifle in hand, comes striding into the room. ROM (fearful) Brother -- look out! It's Brunt! But Ezri shows no signs of alarm. QUARK I don't think that's our Brunt. EZRI (to Brunt) What took you so long? Brunt quickly moves over to the wall panel and starts working the control pad. BRUNT (good-humored) Sorry, but I've been a little busy... I had to break into the cargo bay, steal back the cloaking device you lost and get it onto our ship. And on top of that -- EZRI Quit complaining and get us out of here. BRUNT I'm working on it. 30 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Brunt FIRES at the wall panel. The forcefield FRITZES OFF, allowing Quark, Rom, and Ezri out of the cell. 31 WIDER as Ezri gives Brunt a quick hug. BRUNT (to Quark and Rom) You two must be hungry. I've got food and drink waiting for you on the ship. ROM (to Quark) He's so thoughtful.