DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 23A. 28 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) Not to mention, the head of the Ferengi Alliance. EZRI In other words, he's rich. QUARK They don't come any richer. EZRI I see. How much do you expect to get out of him? QUARK Knowing the Nagus... I'd say a pat on the head and a fistful of empty promises. Now Ezri's puzzled again. EZRI I don't understand. QUARK There's nothing to understand. He's my Nagus. And when your Nagus gets in trouble, you're supposed to do something about it. EZRI Why? QUARK (thinks it over) I don't know... loyalty? EZRI (skeptical) You're kidding me, right? You're doing this out of loyalty? QUARK Would you stop looking at me like that -- you're making me feel like an idiot. EZRI I hope so.