167:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Emperor's... " - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 7-8. 5 CONTINUED: ZEK (Cont'd) They don't have them in this universe. If only I'd known that before I got here... I could've saved myself a lot of aggravation and made a nice profit at the same time. Oh, well... (back to business) My fate is in your hands, Quark. I need a cloaking device and I need it now. You're the only one I can count on. Do this for me and I promise I'll be eternally grateful. And don't forget to tell your mother I love her. Good-bye. And with that, the screen goes dark. 6 WIDER QUARK (more to himself) He should've gone to Risa... EZRI The Regent wants the cloaking device in three days. QUARK That's not much time. Cloaking technology isn't easy to come by. EZRI You'll find a way... QUARK And if I don't? EZRI (simple) The Nagus will die. And as Quark considers her words, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER