DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT FOUR 48A. 23 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Hmm. (beat) Do you know a man named Thadial Bokar -- says he's a commodities broker? EZRI No. I make it a point to know as little as possible about the family business. (beat) Why? O'BRIEN He came down to the mine to talk with Janel while I was working on the drill... there was something about him... it reminded me of when I was working undercover with the Orion Syndicate... the way they dealt with "civilians." EZRI You think this Mister Bokar is a member of the Syndicate? O'BRIEN It's just a feeling. But it's a pretty strong feeling. EZRI We should tell Janel. O'BRIEN I think Janel knows. I realize I'm not giving you a lot of hard evidence here, lieutenant -- but Janel seems like a man who's being pressured by the Syndicate.