176:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT THREE 39. 20 INT. TIGAN LIVING ROOM - DAY O'Brien has just finished eating at the dining table. Ezri is sitting next to him. O'BRIEN ... so that tip led me to the river. I searched the south bank for about three hours before I found her. The organic solvents in the water had partially decomposed the body... but it was her. Beat. EZRI I'm sorry, Chief. I wish there was something more I could do. O'BRIEN You could put in a good word for me with Captain Sisko. EZRI (light) It may take a lot of good words... but I'll talk to him. Suddenly, Yanas bursts into the room, followed by Janel. She's coldly furious and he's just gone through a major chewing out. They've both just come from the mines. YANAS Mister O'Brien, how are you feeling? O'BRIEN Fine, ma'am. I've eaten enough for a week. YANAS Glad to hear it. I understand you're an engineer. O'BRIEN That's right. JANEL He's not a mining engineer.