DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... ff - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT TWO 29. 14A CONTINUED: (3) NORVO I can't concentrate. My mind wanders. I don't have the discipline it takes to succeed. EZRI Those are Mother's words -- I know, because I've heard them too. She wasn't right about me and she's not right about you either. NORVO I'm fine with the way things have turned out. Really. (quiet) Besides, they need me here. EZRI To do what? The family bookkeeping? Norvo, you could do so much more. Norvo stares down into his glass for a long beat and Ezri decides she's pushed far enough for tonight. EZRI I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I just want you to know that I still believe in you... He takes her hand without meeting her eyes. NORVO Thanks. She gives him a kiss.