DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT TWO 28. 14A CONTINUED: (2) NORVO Oh. I should probably get a clean one. EZRI I don't care. He pours her a glass then one for himself. EZRI (re: PADD) Norvo, this doesn't mean-- NORVO (lifts glass) To my sister -- a shining angel in a dark sky. Ezri clinks his glass and they each take a sip. EZRI (re: PADD) All right. The Andorian Academy rejected your application... that doesn't mean your work is "amateurish." There are other art schools. NORVO It's the best. EZRI You shouldn't just give up. Norvo swirls the brandy around the glass with a deprecating smile. NORVO I'm not very good, Zee. I never was. (re: paintings) All this... it's an indulgence. Just like my other "hobbies" -- poetry... music...