13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT TWO 23. ACT TWO FADE IN: 12 EXT. TIGAN COMPOUND - NIGHT (MATTE) Night has fallen on Sappora VII. 13 INT. TIGAN LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Dinner is almost over. The grilled hamsha (some sort of odd-looking steak) is all but gone, and Ezri's plate has several bones on it from her multiple helpings. Yanas is at the head of the table, Ezri to her right, and the boys to her left. An N.D. Servant minds the dishes, refills drinks, etc. Yanas, Janel and Ezri have all changed clothes for dinner. EZRI ... Jadzia considered Kira one of her best friends, and I'm starting to think of her the same way. We spend a lot of time together. JANEL She didn't have any trouble adjusting to having a... "new Dax" in her life? EZRI No more than anyone else. I don't think any of them were expecting another Dax to walk into their lives. NORVO Hmm. Did any of them wonder if you -- Yanas breaks in without so much as a glance at Norvo, who accepts the interruption with barely a reaction.