142:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - ACT ONE 21. 11 CONTINUED: (3) JANEL Yes, ma'am. YANAS (to Norvo) And what about that third quarter review I asked for? NORVO I'm still working on it. Yanas restrains her temper when it comes to her younger son. She treats him with strained patience in contrast to the no-nonsense attitude she displays toward Janel. YANAS You've been working on it for a week now. Norvo shrinks away from Yanas, is almost visibly afraid of her despite her forbearance. NORVO I... miscalculated some of the revenues. I had to redo them. YANAS I know you don't like doing the bookkeeping, but I really need that review as soon as possible, all right? (he nods) Good. Yanas takes Ezri's arm and arm and heads out of the office. YANAS I want to show you the new solarium. I had all the tile brought in from Andoria and then hand-painted by this charming old man I met on a trip to the Hovarian Cluster... Ezri and Yanas EXIT. Once they're gone, Janel touches a control panel. JANEL (to com) Have Mister Lorkin report to the main house.