30:[1,#b],35:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Prodigal... " - REV. 11/05/98 - TEASER 7. 5 CONTINUED: SISKO Your personnel file says she owns the fifth largest pergium mining facility in the entire sector... EZRI Actually, it's the sixth now. The Ferengi discovered a large deposit on Timor Two a few years ago. My mother nearly had a heart attack when she found out we'd been knocked out of the top five. SISKO Do you think she'd be willing to intervene with the local authorities -- get them to look into what happened to the chief? EZRI I'm sure she would. SISKO That's the first good news I've heard all day. Sisko is somewhat relieved, but Ezri suddenly looks troubled. SISKO Something wrong? EZRI No. Yes. I don't know. (beat) I haven't talked to my mother in almost six months. SISKO Oh. EZRI The last time I saw her was just after I was joined. She came to visit me on Trill. I was still a little... confused. When she walked into my room, I put on a big smile, looked her straight in the eye and said, "Hi, Mom, it's me -- Curzon!" Things kinda went downhill from there.