50:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "It's Only... " - REV. 10/26/98 - ACT FOUR 49. 75 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI (re: Rom & Leeta) They'll be so happy to have him back. VIC Yeah... He turns to see Nog at the bar, laughing and joking with one of the waitresses. VIC He is better, isn't he? EZRI It's just like you said -- he needed a break from reality. Now all that's left is to decide when he's ready to go back. But I'll leave that up to you. (gets up) See you 'round. VIC See ya. Ezri EXITS, leaving Vic looking at Nog with a thoughtful expression... CUT TO: 76 INT. VIC'S HOTEL ROOM Nog is out on the patio, going over the casino blueprints and making some changes with a red pencil when Vic ENTERS. NOG Great set tonight. VIC Thanks. (beat) Lot of familiar faces in the crowd. Did I see Rom and Leeta out there? NOG They came for a while. (re: plans)