DEEP SPACE NINE: "It's Only... " - REV. 10/26/98 - ACT THREE 36. 52 CONTINUED: (2) NOG Sounds like my uncle. Is there anything I can do? VIC You know anything about bookkeeping? NOG I'm a Ferengi. It's in our blood. Vic looks at him for a second, then picks up the ledgers and drops them in Nog's lap. VIC They're all yours. NOG Where's your computer? Vic hands him a pencil. VIC Right here. (off his look) It's nineteen sixty-two. What do you want from me? NOG It's all right. I can do it this way. He starts to work and Vic pulls himself up out of the chair and heads for his bedroom. VIC Well, I'm going to hit the sack. NOG Vic, can I ask you a question? VIC Sure. NOG When you sleep... do you dream? Vic stops for a moment and gives him an ambiguous smile.