DEEP SPACE NINE: "It's Only... " - REV. 10/26/98 - ACT TWO 27. 46 CONTINUED: (3) VIC You never know when a lady might need a light. Now be careful with that stick, it's a little fragile -- I don't think it'll take your whole weight. NOG Actually, I don't need to put my whole weight on it. Vic notes that small admission, but doesn't remark on it. VIC Good. Now we better get dressed. NOG Tuxedoes? VIC Hey -- you're catching on. Nog smiles and they head for their respective bedrooms. CUT TO: 47 INT. VEGAS LOUNGE Vic's on stage singing "I've Got the World on a String" to a packed house. 48 JAKE ENTERS with an attractive Bajoran girl named KESHA. They're both dressed for the occasion. Jake exchanges a friendly handshake with the Maitre d' -- they know each other. Jake whispers something in his ear, and the Maitre d' points O.S. Jake looks over to see... 49 NOG now dressed in a tuxedo, has taken a prime table up front and he's tapping his new cane in time to the music.