14:[2,#b],135:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "It's Only... " - REV. 10/26/98 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 8 INT. JAKE & NOG'S QUARTERS Nog is sitting in a chair in his living room, now in civilian clothes. The cane is nearby and Ezri is sitting across from him. EZRI ... and Julian and Miles have become even more obsessed with their Alamo program if you can believe it. I half expect Miles to start wearing a coonskin cap to work. She chuckles, but Nog barely reacts. EZRI You see... Davy Crockett wore this cap made of... a raccoonskin and... NOG I know the program. EZRI Oh. (beat) Well, I think we've covered just about everything you missed while you were away. Nog nods. EZRI Is there anything you want to talk about? NOG Not particularly. Ezri nods, then her eyes fall on the cane for a moment. Nog notes her look and lets out a long breath.