DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: MARTOK ... and find out what's wrong with the Ning'tao. I know Captain Lurkan is young, but he needs to realize the importance of... Martok catches sight of Kor and stops. Kor avoids their eyes and keeps eating. MARTOK (continuing) ... keeping formation. Martok actually is pleased to see his hated rival in this state. He grabs a flagon of bloodwine before sitting down at the table. Martok has waited a long time for this and he's going to enjoy himself. MARTOK I've been thinking about our next objective. Perhaps we should go after a bigger target... something more threatening to our forces. (beat) What about the base on Caleb Four? Kor's spoon stops halfway to his mouth, but he still won't look up. Darok frowns, uneasy with this baiting of Kor, but Synon is following Martok's lead. She smiles and looks eagerly down at the old man to see how he'll react. DAROK If you'll excuse me, I have duties to attend to... Darok begins to stand, but Martok stops him cold. MARTOK Your duties are right here. Darok sits back down and that evil grin returns to Martok's face. MARTOK Someone was just telling me about the defenses on Caleb Four. Now, who was it... ?