DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (4) MARTOK (Cont'd) Kor's family descends from the Imperial Court itself. Kor is "of the blood" -- born to rule by the divine will of Kahless! And what was I? A boy from the Ketha lowlands. He couldn't bear the thought of someone like me joining the elite officer ranks. So to my father's embarrassment and my everlasting shame, my application was denied. And with the mark of Kor on my record I couldn't even join as a common soldier. (beat) So I spent five years as a civilian laborer aboard General ShiVang's flagship. (beat) As fortune would have it, the Romulans made a foolhardy attempt to board that ship, and I earned a battlefield commission. Unfortunately, my father did not live to see that glorious day. But if Kor'd had his way, I would still be a civilian on that ship... cleaning the officers' mess. A long, quiet beat. Worf understands the depth of Martok's feelings, but he's already committed himself. WORF I... understand. (beat) However... I must tell you that using my own authority, I appointed Kor an officer in the Ninth Fleet. Martok turns and looks at him with a pained, betrayed expression. MARTOK Made him an officer... just like that. That's the difference between his name and mine -- his opens doors, mine closes them. WORF I did not anticipate that you --