DEEP SPACE NINE: "Once More... " - REV. 10/01/98 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) KOR No, Worf. It does not go well for me. It seems my services are not required in the present conflict. That catches Worf completely off-guard. WORF But... you are Kor -- a Dahar Master, the man who held the Korma Pass against T'nag -- your reputation alone should've assured you a command. KOR (rueful) I also have a reputation for... a certain ruthless quality toward those who would stand in my way. Mind you, it is not entirely undeserved -- in truth, I rather enjoy being feared by my fellow officers. (beat) However, there is a price to be paid for such... singledminded devotion to one's ambition. I made enemies... perhaps more than were necessary. For a moment, Kor seems to be weighed down by regrets, but then he shakes it off and faces Worf. KOR I have no influence left in the Empire. Even as our entire race grapples with the Dominion... there is no place for an old man with too many enemies and not enough friends. (beat) That is why I have come here tonight. It is not easy for me to beg for help... but I have nowhere else to turn. (difficult) Help me fight again, Worf. Help me end my life as I lived it -- as a warrior!