DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in" - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 56 CONTINUED: KIRA High concentrations of trilithium isotopes... ODO Which would indicate the presence of Romulan plasma torpedoes. KIRA (troubled) I'll look into it. And off this -- 57 INT. HOLOSUITE - CAVES CLOSE ON a bat'leth slicing the air. ADJUST to REVEAL Worf, alone, going through a tai chi-like routine with his weapon. Off screen, we HEAR the Holosuite DOOR OPEN. MARTOK Worf! Worf turns to see -- 58 ANGLE ON THE DOOR (OPTICAL) General Martok, holding a bat'leth, approaches, the DOOR CLOSING behind him. MARTOK Defend yourself. Without another word, Martok lunges at Worf. 59 VARIOUS ANGLES as their bat'leths clash together, and the sounds of steel hitting steel echo through the caves. MARTOK So how do you like convoy duty? WORF I don't.