DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 56 INT. PROMENADE Kira's headed down the Promenade when Odo joins her. ODO Do you have a moment? KIRA I do for you. ODO This morning, a Starfleet transport filled with wounded was denied permission to dock at the Romulan hospital complex on Derna. KIRA The hospital may not be equipped to treat other species. ODO I thought the same thing... at first. But then I noticed that most of the wounded were Vulcans. This is disturbing news to Kira. ODO Vulcans and Romulans share a common physiology. Kira is still trying to explain away the Romulans' actions. KIRA And a mutual distrust of one another. That doesn't change just because they're allies against the Dominion. ODO True. But how do you explain these sensor readings? Odo hands Kira a PADD.