14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 52 INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - NIGHT Sisko is seated in the empty restaurant, studying some PADDs. The locket with the ancient Bajoran markings is on the table. In the kitchen, Joseph is stirring a vat of red beans and rice, but his eyes are focused on his son. Jake is nearby, stacking dishes. JOSEPH I still don't understand why Sarah would have a locket with Bajoran writing on it. I don't recall her ever mentioning Bajor to me... JAKE Maybe she didn't know it was Bajoran... maybe it was a gift from someone... Suddenly, Sisko slaps the table with the palm of his hand. SISKO Finally, some progress... Joseph hands the ladle to Jake and hurries over to his son. JOSEPH What is it? SISKO The inscription... it says "the Orb of the Emissary." JAKE I never knew there was an "Orb of the Emissary." SISKO I've never heard of it either -- at least there's no mention of it in the Bajoran Ancient Texts.