DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT THREE 38. 48 EXT. SPACE - EARTH (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. 49 EXT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - BACK ALLEY - NIGHT Sisko is seated on a stool, scrubbing clamshells and tossing them into a large metal bowl. Joseph steps out the back door and approaches. He seems relieved, as if a great weight has been lifted off his shoulders. In the distance, we HEAR the music of a jazz band. JOSEPH Beautiful night, isn't it? SISKO It sure is. JOSEPH You thinking about Sarah? SISKO Actually, I was thinking about Jadzia. She was always there to help me sort things out... I miss her. JOSEPH I know you do... Hoping to heal the rift between them, Joseph offers: JOSEPH I came out to give you this... Joseph hands Sisko a small locket. JOSEPH (continuing) It was Sarah's. I'd like you to have it. I think she would've, too. Sisko accepts the locket. SISKO Thanks, Dad. Sisko studies the necklace carefully.