14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41 INT. SISKO'S RESTAURANT - NIGHT Minutes later. Sisko sits back down with two cups of coffee, handing one to his father. JOSEPH Sarah and I were married for two years. She seemed... very happy. I certainly was. (simply) Two days after your first birthday, she disappeared. Sisko can't believe it. He was certain he was meant to meet this woman. SISKO What do you mean she disappeared? JOSEPH (a difficult admission) She left me. SISKO Why? JOSEPH I've asked myself that question a thousand times... I never did come up with an answer. SISKO And you never found out what happened to her? JOSEPH It took me three years, but I found out. She'd been living in Australia... working as a holo- photographer. SISKO I have to speak with her. JOSEPH You can't. SISKO Damn it, Dad -- I have to.