DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - ACT TWO 23. 38 NEW ANGLE to include Doctor Bashir and QUARK, surveying the damage. VIC With his own two hands -- and it's not the first time he's busted up the joint. (a decision) I don't care how much he threatens me, that's the last time I ever sing "All the Way." If he wants to hear it again, let him buy a Sinatra album. BASHIR (putting it all together) "All the Way"... that was Jadzia's favorite song. I'm sorry, Vic, but you have to forgive him. He's having a hard time accepting her death. QUARK So am I, but you don't see me "busting up the joint." BASHIR She wasn't your wife. QUARK She should've been. BASHIR (puzzled) But there is something wrong here... VIC That's what I've been telling you. BASHIR Klingons usually have a much shorter mourning period than humans. They accept death more readily than we do.