DEEP SPACE NINE: "Image in... " - REV. 07/27/98 - TEASER 8. 9 CLOSE ON SISKO as he continues to play the piano intently. As he strikes the piano keys, the baseball rolls off the piano mantel. Sisko looks down to see where the ball has rolled -- 9A SISKO'S POV of the ball on the floor. 9B ANGLE ON SISKO as the CAMERA PUSHES IN on Sisko's face. CUT TO: 10 EXT. DESERT - DAY (OPTICAL) The ball lying in the sand. PULL BACK TO REVEAL Sisko, wearing civilian clothes, digging desperately in the sand under a burning, hot sun. His face is haggard, parched; he's close to exhaustion. At some point, Sisko tosses away the shovel he's been using and starts clawing away at the sand with his bare hands. 11 SISKO'S POV OF THE SAND (OPTICAL) as his fingers begin to uncover a face covered by a thin shroud. Sisko's hands remove the veil-like cloth to expose a face mask chiseled in stone. Almost immediately, the stone cracks into a thousand pieces which quickly turn into dust. Sisko brushes away the dust with his hand, revealing the face of a beautiful black woman. Her eyes are closed, her expression serene. Suddenly, her eyes pop open. 12 CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) confused and a touch frightened. JAKE (O.S.) Dad? What is it? What's wrong? CUT TO: