14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Change of Heart" - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 25 EXT. JUNGLE #1 - DAY ON WORF'S BOOTS. PAN along his body to reveal that Worf is lying prone on his stomach, pack off, with his arms stretched out in front of him. We find that Dax is lying with her body at a right angle to his, with her arms stretched out in front of her as well and she's working a tricorder. Worf has a small Engineering TOOL in one hand and he's directing the tool carefully with the other. (Dax has taken off her jacket and is wearing her long-sleeve shirt.) 26 CLOSE ON TOOL - INSERT As the tip of the tool comes close to a TINY METALLIC DISC which is sitting innocuously on the ground. 27 RESUME As Dax works the tricorder, sweat beading on her face. Worf waits patiently for her to give the word. DAX (sotto) Okay... go to twenty-five joules... Worf works the tool. Dax glances over to her right and is surprised to see -- 28 AN ALIEN LIZARD about six inches away from her face, staring at her. Dax doesn't flinch, but just stares back at the creature. 29 CLOSE ON TOOL - INSERT (OPTICAL) as the tool sends out a thin BEAM, which hits the disc and causes it to FLASH for a moment.