DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT FOUR 43. 28 CONTINUED: The Vorta walks around the group, studying them -- VORTA They say you can tell a traitor by looking in his eyes. 29 O'BRIEN as he realizes they suspect a traitor in their midst. 30 SCENE as the Vorta moves to Bilby, studies his features for a beat. VORTA Do you think that's true? BILBY I wouldn't know. (turning to Raimus) Raimus, what's this all about? RAIMUS What does it look like? The Vorta moves to study Flith... VORTA (to Raimus) If you ask me, none of them look particularly trustworthy. BILBY Raimus -- RAIMUS Not now. BILBY But -- RAIMUS I said not now. The Vorta moves to O'Brien, lingers on him for a moment too long, then moves to study Krole. Just when O'Brien is starting to think he's not going to be fingered, the Vorta turns back and fixes his eyes on him.