DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/-97 - ACT THREE 37. 23 CONTINUED: A quiet moment passes... O'Brien brings up something that's been on his mind. O'BRIEN Bilby witnessed for me. CHADWICK (pleased) Sounds like you've really got your hooks in him. But O'Brien can't seem to share Chadwick's enthusiasm -- O'BRIEN What's going to happen to him when you pull me out? Chadwick realizes what's on his mind... CHADWICK That's nothing you need to think about. O'BRIEN They're going to kill him, aren't they? CHADWICK Listen to me. Bilby chose this life. Whatever happens to him is his fault, not yours. Chadwick can see that O'Brien isn't entirely convinced of this. He decides to handle O'Brien -- he knows what he's going through, and it's his job to make sure he sees it through to the end. CHADWICK Besides, if he's lucky we'll get to him before they do. He'll be safe in a Federation prison. (reassuring him) Just help us make a good case against him.