DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT TWO 31. 21 INT. ALLEY - NIGHT where O'Brien is meeting with Chadwick. (NOTE: IF POSSIBLE, THIS SHOULD PLAY AS A DIFFERENT ALLEY THAN WHERE THEY MET PREVIOUSLY.) CHADWICK Nice suit. O'BRIEN Bilby got it for me.. CHADWICK That's very generous. O'BRIEN He's like that. Chadwick takes this in -- he's beginning to see that O'Brien is starting to like Bilby. O'BRIEN I found out who the informant is. This gets Chadwick's attention. O'BRIEN (continuing) Bilby told me that he was in charge of the weather control system on Risa, about a year ago. CHADWICK (pleased) It should be easy enough to find out who that was. O'BRIEN Yeah. Chadwick can see that something's troubling O'Brien -- CHADWICK Something wrong? O'BRIEN Raimus brought someone to meet with Bilby. A Vorta. It takes Chadwick a moment to assimilate this information -- CHADWICK You're telling me that the Orion Syndicate is working for the Dominion?