DEEP SPACE NINE: " Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT TWO 25. 15 CONTINUED: (2) Bilby makes an elaborate show of studying the controls -- YINT That must be it. Bilby nods thoughtfully, then suddenly swings the weapon around and SHOOTS Yint in the leg -- he falls to the floor in agony. BILBY What do you know? I figured it out. Bilby starts to take aim again, but O'Brien steps in to try to stop him -- O'BRIEN Bilby -- BILBY (hard) Do you know what would've happened if I'd given Raimus three useless disruptors? He would've killed me. Bilby pushes O'Brien away, turns to look down at Yint -- YINT (through the pain) If you want your money back, you can have it... BILBY Why would I want my money back? It works fine now. Bilby FIRES again, hitting Yint square in the chest and killing him. Off O'Brien's face as he stands there in stunned silence... 16 thru OMITTED 17 18 INT. BILBY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT where O'Brien is sitting with Bilby, who has his cat in his lap. Through the windows, distant LIGHTNING illuminates the sky. BILBY No one takes me for a fool. Despite the apparent bravado with which he killed Yint, O'Brien can see that he's troubled.