13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 12 INT. ALLEY - NIGHT Chadwick is leaning against the wall as O'Brien approaches. He hands O'Brien a small PACKAGE, and the Chief tucks it away. CHADWICK The induction coils you asked for. Courtesy of the Klingon Ambassador to Farius. O'BRIEN There's a Klingon Ambassador here? Gowron must not like him too much. Chadwick smiles -- CHADWICK Do you have any idea why Raimus wants these disruptors? O'BRIEN Bilby doesn't even know. O'Brien has something else on his mind... O'BRIEN Listen... is there any way I can talk to my wife, let her know I'm all right? CHADWICK We can't risk it. Chadwick sees O'Brien's disappointment. CHADWICK I'm sorry. They stand there for a moment, having nothing else to say. O'BRIEN I'd better be going.