DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: BILBY Very impressive. If I was a suspicious man, I might ask myself how a tinkerer living in one room on Jinami Street managed to fix such a complicated piece of hardware so quickly. FLITH Good question. O'BRIEN How do you know where I live? BILBY I know a lot about you. Maybe more than you want me to. O'Brien tries to show no reaction. A beat, then Bilby stands. BILBY Come with me. O'BRIEN Where are we going? BILBY For a walk. O'Brien sees no choice but to comply. Off his face as he stands to join Bilby... 11 INT. BILBY'S APARTMENT - DAY as the door OPENS to admit Bilby and O'Brien. Like the tavern, the apartment is in one of the old-style buildings. What's more, the place is a wreck -- boxes stacked everywhere, discarded knickknacks, etc. BILBY Have a seat. O'Brien has no idea why he's been brought here, and we can see he's trying not to act nervous about it. He moves to sit on a nearby armchair -- BILBY Not there. As O'Brien watches, a cat trots up and hops into the chair.