DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT ONE 13. 9 EXT. FARIUS PRIME - DAY (MATTE SHOT/OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 10 INT. TAVERN - DAY where O'Brien is sitting with Bilby, Flith and Krole. The Bolian bartender is behind the bar, the Yridian his only customer. A Farian WOMAN is at the public com-unit, engaged in an intense but hushed conversation. BILBY Did you fix it? O'Brien nods, hands Krole the dataport, who studies it for a beat. KROLE Any feedback? BILBY (explaining) Feedback gives him a headache. O'BRIEN There's no feedback. KROLE We'll see. Krole separates the dataport into its two pieces, places one in the plug in his skull, and activates them so that the BLINKIES come on. After a tense beat, Krole nods approvingly. O'BRIEN I told you.