DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - TEASER 6. 5 CONTINUED: (3) A moment as the men react to his moxie -- BILBY (amused) Do you know who I am? O'BRIEN No. BILBY If you did, you wouldn't be asking that. O'BRIEN All right, then. Who are you? Bilby's smile fades a bit -- BILBY Listen, Mister... ? O'BRIEN Connelly. BILBY I've seen you around the last few weeks. You're always in here tinkering with one piece of junk or another, which tells me that things aren't exactly going too well for you. So here's my advice -- (handing him the dataport) Take this and bring it back here tomorrow morning fixed and polished. O'Brien looks at the dataport in his hand, then at Bilby. O'BRIEN (shrugs) Tomorrow morning it is. And with that, O'Brien moves to the bar to get his things. Bilby turns to the others, his genial self again. BILBY Come on. Let's get some lunch... Off this moment... 6 INT. ALLEY - NIGHT O'Brien is here to meet his contact in Starfleet Intelligence, CHADWICK.