113:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV-12/17/97 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: FLITH How about... (smiling) -- the police? KROLE No, we billed them for dinner last night. FLITH Municipal Sanitation? Do you have their account code? KROLE (smiles) I will in a minute. 4 O'BRIEN makes a decision, surreptitiously aims a small DEVICE at the com-booth -- a BLINKIE flashes once, and we... CUT TO: 5 KROLE (OPTICAL) Suddenly the com-unit overloads and an ENERGY TENDRIL arcs from the dataport on the console to the one on Krole's head. The monitor goes to STATIC, and Krole stands there, frozen in place, as if he can't pull away from the current. BILBY Krole. Bilby and Flith leap up to help him, but before they can pull him away O'Brien intervenes -- O'BRIEN Don't -- (pushing past them) He's being spiked. O'Brien works the controls quickly and the energy tendril DISSIPATES -- Krole's body immediately relaxes and he staggers back into Bilby and Flith. BILBY Are you all right? They help him back into a chair --