12:[5,#b],20:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Honor Among Thieves" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. FARIUS PRIME - DAY (MATTE SHOT/OPTICAL) A gritty, industrial city set against a polluted grey sky. Modern skyscrapers abut older, brick structures Despite the contrast in building materials, certain architectural elements peculiar to Farius remain consistent -- the shape of the windows, perhaps. The exception to this is a shantytown that can be seen at the edge of the city. 2 INT. A TAVERN - DAY (VPB) Housed in one of the city's older, rundown buildings. It's dark and dingy, with a bartop running along one wall, a few tables and chairs, and a public COM-UNIT on another wall, complete with a MONITOR. Alien graffiti is scrawled near the unit, presumably from patrons jotting down "phone numbers." The bartender, a taciturn BOLIAN called Graife, is serving a sad-looking YRIDIAN. At one of the tables, a FARIAN man and a HUMAN are playing an alien CARD GAME. The Farian has some sort of TUBE running into one of his nostrils -- as he deals the cards, he takes a whiff of whatever substance the apparatus is feeding him. We take in this scene for a moment, then MOVE TO REVEAL an unlikely customer sitting alone at the bar -- MILES O'BRIEN. He is UNSHAVEN and is wearing CIVILIAN CLOTHES suitable for a man used to working with his hands. He's fiddling with a small piece of broken HARDWARE, using non-Starfleet TOOLS from a beaten-up TOOLKIT at his side. We'll come to learn that O'Brien has been on an undercover mission for several weeks, trying to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate. He's posing as a traveling handyman for hire -- just a guy trying to scrape together enough work to book passage off-world. He's been hanging out at this bar because he's learned that it's a haunt for certain low-ranking Syndicate members. Three of them are sitting at a nearby table. LIAM BILBY, a human in his late forties, is the leader of the trio.