DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT FIVE 54. 69 CONTINUED: BENNY (his anger rising) You still haven't said what he didn't like. The artwork? The layout? Exactly what "high standards" is he talking about? KAY Take it easy, Benny. Benny ignores the warning. He's focused on Pabst. All the frustrations, all the indignities he's suffered come boiling to the surface. BENNY It's about my story, isn't it? That's what this is all about. He didn't want to publish my story -- and we all know why. Because my hero is a colored man. PABST Hey -- Mister Stone owns this magazine. If he doesn't want to publish this month -- we don't publish this month. End of story. BENNY That doesn't make it right and you know it. PABST Don't tell me what I know. Besides, it's not about what's right -- it's about what is. Pabst takes a deep breath, he's not done handing out the bad news. PABST I'm afraid I have some more bad news, Benny. Mister Stone has decided your services are no longer required here. That only fuels Benny's anger. BENNY You're firing me?