145:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT FIVE 53. 68 CONTINUED: ALBERT (smiling) What else? 69 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as it is suddenly flung OPEN and Pabst ENTERS, empty- handed. For a moment, Pabst looks at everyone with an accusatory stare. JULIUS It's about time. HERBERT Hey, Douglas -- where's the magazine? PABST There is no magazine. Not this month anyway. Mister Stone had the entire run pulped. BENNY He can't do that! PABST He can and he did. He believes that this issue quote -- did not meet our usual high standards -- unquote. BENNY And what's that supposed to mean? PABST It means he didn't like it. Pabst goes and pours himself a cup of coffee, trying to put this whole thing behind. PABST Which means the public's simply going to have to get along without any Incredible Tales this month. But Benny refuses to leave it at that.