14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 66 EXT. NEW YORK STREET - DAY (STOCK) Re-establishing. 67 INT. BENNY'S APARTMENT - DAY Weeks later; early morning. Benny, still recovering from the beating, gingerly puts on his suit jacket. Cassie steps up to him to fix the knot of his tie. CASSIE I'm telling you, baby -- you've been cooped up in this apartment too long. Going down to the office will do you good. BENNY I suppose I should be there when the first copies of this month's issue are delivered. CASSIE Absolutely. After all that work you did -- you deserve to see your story in print. (smiling) Just no jumping up and down with excitement -- I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. BENNY (smiling back) I'll restrict myself to a proud grin. They kiss for a beat. CASSIE You're not having any more of those... hallucinations, are you? BENNY (shaking his head) I'm fine. The moment hangs in the air for a beat, then Cassie nods and Benny EXITS.