DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT FOUR 49. 62 EXT. ANOTHER HARLEM STREET - NIGHT Two police cars are parked at right angles to the sidewalk. Various UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERS are keeping the crowd at bay. In the middle of the street, Officers Ryan and Mulkahey are standing over the body of a dead teenager. 63 NEW ANGLE as Benny and Cassie come running up, they see that the dead teenager is Jimmy. BENNY Jimmy! Benny moves toward the body, but Ryan blocks his approach, shoving him away. RYAN Get back. BENNY What happened? MULKAHEY What's it to you? BENNY (re: Jimmy) I know him -- RYAN Yeah? Then maybe you can explain what he was doing trying to break into that car. Mulkahey points to a late forties sedan. BENNY Is that why you shot him? For breaking into a car? MULKAHEY (holding up a crowbar) He had a weapon. BENNY (you call that a weapon) A crowbar?