14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT THREE 34. ACT THREE FADE IN: 39 INT. HARLEM COFFEE SHOP - DAY An even more tired and dejected Benny sits at the counter, drinking a cup of coffee. Jimmy sits beside him, casually spinning himself around on the stool. Cassie refills Benny's cup. CASSIE I'm sorry they didn't buy your story, baby. Really I am. JIMMY (to Benny) I told you you were wasting your time. (shaking his head) A colored captain... the only reason they'll ever let us space is if they need someone to shine their shoes. Ain't that right, Cassie? CASSIE I don't know and to be honest, I don't much care what happens a hundred years from now. It's today that matters. JIMMY Well I got news for you... today or a hundred years from now don't make a bit of difference -- as far as they're concerned, we'll always be niggers. BENNY Things are going to change. They have to. JIMMY (not buying it for a second) You keep telling yourself that. Jimmy pushes himself off the stool and walks off.