87:[1,#b],185:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT TWO 33. 37 ANGLE ON PABST as he grabs a new illustration of Roy's from the table. This one depicts a family being sold a used rocketship by a particularly oily alien salesman. He offers the drawing to Benny. PABST Here, write me a novella based on this drawing and I'll print it in next month's issue. Do a good job and you might even get the cover. BENNY (holding up his manuscript) What about my story? PABST The way I see it, you can either burn it or you can put it in a drawer for fifty years or however long it takes the human race to become colorblind. BENNY But I want people to read it now. PABST Fine. You want me to publish it? Then make the captain white. BENNY But that's not what I wrote. PABST (a shrug) It's your call.. Pabst turns and heads back to his office. 38 CLOSE ON BENNY as he contemplates these distasteful alternatives. And on his expression of inner turmoil, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO