DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT TWO 31. 36 CONTINUED: PABST But you know I can't print it. BENNY Why not? PABST Come on, Benny -- your hero's a Negro captain. The head of a space station, for Christ's sake. BENNY What's wrong with that? PABST People won't accept it. It's not believable. HERBERT And men from Mars are? PABST Stay out of this, Herb. (to Benny) Look, Benny, I'm a magazine editor -- not a crusader. I'm not here to change the world. I'm here to put out a magazine. That's my job. And that means I've got to answer to Mister Stone, the national distributors, the wholesalers -- (holding up the story) -- and none of them are going to want to put this on the newsstand. For all we know, it could cause a race riot. HERBERT Congratulations, Douglas. That's the most imbecilic attempt to rationalize personal cowardice I've ever heard. KAY (to Pabst, amused) Uh-oh, he's angry now. PABST Herb's been angry ever since Joseph Stalin died.