DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT TWO 29. 34 NEW ANGLE to include Benny standing by the coffee pot. DARLENE You? BENNY Surprise. DARLENE It's the best thing I've read since "The Puppet Masters." (a beat, almost apologetic) I read a lot of science fiction. HERBERT Bless you, my child. KAY The world needs more people like you. ALBERT (to Benny) The story really... I mean to say... it's quite... DARLENE ... impressive? Albert nods -- precisely. HERBERT It's a damn fine piece of writing is what it is. And "Deep Space Nine" is a very intriguing title. JULIUS Very admirable. HERBERT (to Benny, re: Julius) The master of understatement. What he really means is that he wishes he had half your talent. KAY I really like this major of yours... she's a tough cookie.