DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT TWO 28. 32 CONTINUED: (4) JIMMY But first, I'm gonna need to raise me some cash. And with that, Jimmy takes off, looking for a new "customer." 33 INT. MAGAZINE OFFICE - DAY CLOSE ON Herbert sitting at the table, completely engrossed as he reads a carbon copy of a novella-sized manuscript. As he finishes reading a page and begins reading the next, he hands the finished page over to Kay, who is seated next to him. She is equally engrossed in what she's reading. As she finishes her page and continues on to the next, she hands off her finished page to Julius. Julius, in turn, hands his finished page to Albert. Albert finishes reading the page he's on, hands it off to Ritterhouse. Ritterhouse finishes the page he's on, passes it up to a woman standing behind him. The woman is DARLENE KURSKY (Dax without the spots). As we'll learn shortly, she is Pabst's new secretary. DARLENE (as she reads) She has a worm in her belly? That's disgusting. (a beat) Interesting, but disgusting. All the writers look up at her. There's a beat as they all try to place the new face. ALBERT Who... that is, if you don't mind me asking... are, uh... DARLENE I'm Mister Pabst's new secretary. Darlene Kursky. (re: the manuscript) Which one of you wrote this? BENNY (O.S.) I did.