DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT ONE 15. 18 CONTINUED: (4) KAY (re: the drawing) You've got to be kidding... ROY What can I say? I had extra sauerkraut on my franks that night. HERBERT Be that as it may, it's still the worst piece of garbage I've ever seen. (a beat) I'll take it. JULIUS Of course you will. You've an affinity for garbage, don't you? HERBERT The picture may be garbage, but the story... the story will be art. Herbert studies the drawing, his mind already beginning to weave a tale. 19 ON BENNY AND ALBERT who are rummaging through the remainder of Roy's illustrations. One of them in particular catches Benny's attention. 20 ANGLE ON THE DRAWING it's of a space station -- one that looks quite suggestive of the Deep Space Nine we know. 21 ON BENNY as he examines the drawing. PABST (re: the drawing) I don't have a title for it yet... BENNY I'll think of something.