DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT ONE 14. 18 CONTINUED: (2) Pabst takes his half-eaten doughnut and throws it into the trash can. PABST ... onto the new. Time to hand out next month's story assignments. (booming out) Ritterhouse! We're waiting. ROY (O.S.) Coming. From out of the back emerges ROY RITTERHOUSE (think Martok without the makeup), carrying a folder of pencil sketches. Roy is an upbeat illustrator who enjoys his work. ROY All right, friends and neighbors, let's see what Uncle Roy brought you today... Roy holds up the first sketch -- it's a drawing of a little girl standing in the woods near a picnic table, staring at two aliens in space suits. PABST I've titled this one... "Please, Take Me With You." (to the group) Who wants this one? JULIUS (getting a nod from his wife) I think we can do something with that. HERBERT (caustic) I bet you can. I can see it now -- the lonely little girl, befriended by empathetic aliens who teach her how to smile. (shuddering) It's enough to make you go out and buy a television. (to Roy) Next.