DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT ONE 11. 16 CONTINUED: Julius picks up the jar of granulated tea powder and studies the label. JULIUS (reading) White Rose Redi-Tea. What an appalling concept. KAY I bet H. G. Wells would've liked it. JULIUS I doubt that. No self-respecting Englishman would. HERBERT (O.S.) Pabst! 17 NEW ANGLE to find Herbert standing by the table, having just bitten into a doughnut, taken from a box on the table. HERBERT Pabst! Get out here. The door to the glass office opens and DOUGLAS PABST (Odo without makeup) comes storming in. PABST What's wrong now, Herb? HERBERT (holding up a doughnut) I'll give you one guess. KAY The battle of the doughnuts, round twenty-eight. PABST (irked) That's what you called me out here for -- to complain about the doughnuts? HERBERT They're stale again.